Sunday, April 24, 2011

Easter, Food, Death Glares, Car Naps...

Hi there! Here is the second blog post of my blogging history. :D yayy! Here are my "3 Things"-
1) Today was EASTER! Except, it didn't really FEEL like it was Easter... I dunno, we didn't get baskets or anything so it didn't feel complete. :( The sorrows of growing up... sigh. It's okay though, I still had a fun day. We went to my Grandma's house, and saw my uncle, aunt, and cousin. We had a yummy lunch/dinner (linner?), had cake, talked, took a walk, etc. Since we spent pretty much our entire day there, my 2nd event/"thing" is also going to be from this trip.

2) At Grandma's, I realized how much I missed warm weather! That's why I'm super excited for summer! I relaxingly sat under a tree, reading "The Odyssey" with the bestest big little brudder there is. Though I was getting frustrated with myself with my slow progress through the pages of my school assignment, the warm breeze just made me feel happy. All was well... except until my brother was hanging from the tree and the person's death glare from the house across the field prompted us to leave... fast.

3) This next "thing" (I dunno what to call them- events? Experiences? So I just call them "things" *shrug*) I realized today is how much I hate waking up from napping in the car. Like seriously, the emotions I feel after being disrupted makes me just want to punch a pillow! I'm not sure how else to explain it. Like I get so stressed out, I feel stiff, and just want to go back to sleep again but I know I'm going to have to wake up soon anyways so why bother. I hate that feeling of having to wake up. >:( But after 10 minutes the feeling passed, so it's all good! Future note: wake me up GENTLY if I'm ever sleeping in the car. ;)

Well, that's all for now! I'll be back Tuesday for another post! I'm out~

1 comment:

  1. Alright, I have four minutes to still comment in the day.

    Today was a pretty great day! I'm so glad to be back over the weekend. And thanks a lot for the heads-up for sleeping in the car. I didn't know you get in the ineffable stressed out mood. Anyway though, good night! Or, more likely when you read this, good day (or possibly good evening!)
