Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Park that pumps water...?

It's Tuesday, which means the day of a blog update! Here we gooo!

1) Yesterday was Halloween! I went trick or treating with Sammi and Rina and Sammi's sisters and brother. It was fun and I got a lot of candy! The best part was after everyone else left/went home, and it was just me and Sammi trick or treating at like 7:30. There was no one else out and it was dark outside, so people gave us handfuls of candy because they were trying to get rid of it! We got so much in those 20 minutes or so! It was awesome ^_^ I was a cat =^_^=

2) Today in Gifted, our next assignment is to build a bridge or house. It has to be "beautiful" and be able to make it through putting weights on it and hard weather. We also watched this video on bio-mimicry and about this one park where when kids play on the swings, it pumps water or generates electricity at the same time! Isn't that awesome? and by the way, all the videos we watch are usually from Ted Conference. :D It made me think of you! Do you still watch videos from there?

3) In math, we got our tests back and I got the best score out of the class! I was happy ^_^ I got a 61/60.

Hope you are well! I miss you! Excited to read your post later!

1 comment:

  1. Yep, I still go on TED every once in a while. Amazing talks!

    I'll comment on number 3. Amazing job, hitomi. So proud of you! Virtual high five!!
