Saturday, October 22, 2011

I'm sorry for all these blog posts that aren't "blog posts". But this is too amazing to pass up.

And that was a really long title!
You might think it's ridiculous to make ANOTHER SEPARATE post about this but...

On the fishy screen above this, click on the water.
Did you do it?
Did you press it?
That's pretty cool. :D
sidenote: this didn't count as one of my "big three", regular blog posts!
sidesidenote: This is going to be really unimpressive to you if you've already known about this -_-


  1. "This is going to be really unimpressive to you if you've already known about this -_- "


    Haha, anyway though, it's still pretty neat!

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.
