Sunday, October 16, 2011

New High Record!?

The weekend is coming to an end... :( Well, it's late, and I have testing tomorrow for the PLAN and still have homework to do... :O Let's get into it!

1) Dad, Mom, and I went to Church today. It was nice because we haven't been there in a while. Everything is very different because Jario and Leena are the new pastors. Everything has a more younger gen. vibe to it. It was good though!

2) I went to the library today for 8 and a half hours. I think that's a new record. I did homework by myself for a bit, then met up with a friend. We spent a lot of time just talking though.. Haha, so I guess some of that studying time didn't technically count!

3) Then, I came home and took a shower. Sorry this third point is sort of boring. Lol, but that's literally like all I did today!

I don't want to go to school tomorrow! Anyways, I'll talk to you on Tuesday!

1 comment:

  1. This is called a Sampler. It's a short snippet for each point:

    1) Ah, good to hear you guys went to church. It'll be interesting to see how Jario and Leena handle things. Good for them though!

    2) Wow, that is WAY too long. And you're not even near finals!

    3) Boring! Not even worth being on the Big Three. Haha, just giving you a hard time. Hope you had a good day though!
