Sunday, December 4, 2011

Bball+Mall+Food+Movies=Good Weekend!

So when I heard mom talking to you on the phone, I was like noooo! Because she was telling you all the things I was going to tell you in my post! LOL. Anyways, here we go!
1) On Friday night, I went to Schaumburg's basketball game to play in the pep band with Maira and Rina. And Sammi and Meghan came too (not to play, but to watch). So I split up my time hanging out with them. Afterwards, Sammi and Rina came over and we just talked for a while. It was really fun!

2) Today, mom and I went out shopping, out to eat, then to a movie. We first went to the mall. I got most of my present for my "secret santa" (sammi's having a party next weekend). I got jewelry and bath and body works.. it doesn't seem like much, but I almost spent the budget on it. After the mall, we went to Potbellys (yum!). THEN, we went to the Picture Show Theatre ($1.75 for a ticket) and saw The Help, which mom already told you about. Lol it was good!

3) Lastly, we had Chinese for dinner. Not my favorite, but still pretty good.

That is all! Sunday update (on time) later today!

1 comment:

  1. Comment on 2: yeah, Mom was telling me that. Sounds like you two had a fun time together. She said The Help was a pretty good movie! Can't wait to come home, bye!
