Sunday, September 11, 2011

Chilling on a Sunday

Hello! Sundays are always my chilled out, stay at home days... At least they have been recently!

1) Boring, but just did my homework today. I got a lot done at least, so that's good! I like it getting it done on the weekend instead of the weekdays where it's even more hectic.

2) Me and mom had to drive to walgreens and I ran up to drop off the Redbox movie, and I couldn't figure out how to return it for like 10 minutes I was just standing there. Lol ok maybe 5. It was funny though people were probably wondering what was wrong xD. Ahh, redbox is interesting...

3) One of the best things about parties- the day after! The house is clean and we have all this yummy food. :D Yay!

Gah, back to school tomorrow.. :(

1 comment:

  1. 3) I know, I love that feeling. It's one of the few times our house has a lot of food (good food!) and is clean. Win-win!
