Thursday, August 18, 2011

So, it's been a while.

Hello! I was reading my past blog posts, and I kind of like how each is similar to a little journal entry. It's cool to re-read what I wrote, and remember the exact day so clearly. Now, on to the big three (it's been a while since I've said that!)
1) I had Tennis this morning, from 8-10. It went... okay. I don't know, I'm still not really ENJOYING tennis that much... But right now I'm continuing to stick with it. I'm still thinking about whether or not to keep doing it this year. But today we just played games, which I guess was sort of fun.(:
2) Band camp! I got sunburned really badly, even though I put sunscreen on >.< Today was the fourth day of camp, and it's tiring but it's still pretty fun (at least sometimes!). We just practiced marching and playing for the football games and preparing for marching season.
3) During our lunch break, me and a few friends went and explored the school, finding all our classes. So I know where my locker and all my classes are now! :D yayyy!

To be honest, sort of a boring day. >.< Tomorrow I have tennis and band (but only for about two hours- playing at the pep assembly for the freshman kick-off). again. I'm missing a certain big little brudder! :(
P.S. Did you forget a laptop wireless cord, or something? Ben mentioned it at dinner earlier. Mom said she'd mail it to you, but we don't really know what it is. Just call her and tell her where it is if you want her to mail it to you!


  1. Alright, it's also been a while since we did the whole commenting thing, so it's nice to get back into it.

    I'll pick one to comment on! (And by that, I mean comment on number one!)

    Good to hear your somewhat liking tennis, but I understand if you don't want to continue it. In the end, do what you want and feel passionate about. I know no matter what you'll be involved in something at school. So if not tennis, it'll be other clubs or sports. Either way, lemme know what you decide on! Hope you have a great semester and a start of a long line of blogging back and forth!

  2. Thanks! Yeah, I'm still thinking about it. I'll let you know my decision when I come to one. Luckily tennis is a short season (i think it ends like in october or something), so if I decide to stick with it it won't be for so long.
