Thursday, August 25, 2011

Was today yesterday?

Hi! Well it's thursday, and time for another update!
1) yesterday, I had my first day of swim gym. I talked to the coach, and now he put me in partner's gym (helping disabled kids). So I'm out of swim gym now, yay! But the thing is, my coach is now my gym teacher.. So I definitely can't quit tennis now >.< 2) yesterday was my first day of ap euro! I like how my class is small, and I like my teacher, but we got lots of homework, even on the first day. I'm still not done, but I'll do it tomorrow morning xD hehe. 3) last night (I'm sorry they're all about yesterday! I know it's supposed to be about TODAY but yesterday was much more interesting xD) I got really sick. >.< I came home after my tennis match (lost 0-6, 3-6) and I started to feel a migraine or some REALLY intense headache and stomach ache. So I laid down for a second, took medicine, then I threw up >.< gross, I know.. But I went to sleep and felt better this morning. It was weird, like a one night stomache flu. But I feel much better now! (: what do you do when you feel sick?

1 comment:

  1. It's alright to talk about yesterday. The post is suppose to bring eachother up to date between each post. So whatever neat (or not so neat if you're sick) stuff happens, you can talk about!

    I'll comment on 1. I'm glad you got out of swim gym. And it sounds really awesome if you could help out the disabled kids. And if you can't make a decision, maybe this is the universe telling you to stick with tennis.

    This delves into 3 a bit, but I'm sorry to hear you're sick! Watch movies, rest, take it easy, and hopefully you get better soon!
