Thursday, October 27, 2011

Munchin' on an Apple...

Hello, cyberworld! I was munching on my apple and... I thought it would be a good idea to write my blogpost for thursday in the morning because I'm going to be busy later with schol and the halloween event and homework. So, better early than late, right? At least, in most cases ;)

1) In Gifted yesterday, we played the last two games. One was sort of like Risk, and the other was this fantasy type game where you are a certain element, and throughout the whole game you try to accumulate points and are working against each other. But by the end, you realize that you need to unite to be able to conquer the master of evil (or some enemy like that). So your element can bond with other elements and things like that. They were fun! Except now, we need to write a paper about our "growth" and what we learned from the games next class... >.< Not so fun!

2) This Satuday, I'm going to Marisa's halloween party. That should be fun :) I'm excited for that! I'll tell you more about that on Saturday's post, of course!

3) Today, Sammi called me to invite me to go with her to Schaumburg's play. I'm glad she called me :) That's on Friday, and I'm excited~

Well this was a blog post talking a lot about the past and future.. Haha, new post Saturday!

1 comment:

  1. Ah, those Gifted games sound pretty fun and unique. It's not so bad to write about it. You can use your writing skills and spruce it up with some metaphors and imagery and all those good lit terms! Good luck!
