Monday, September 26, 2011

Sa-Sa-Sunday :)

Hola! Quick update on Sunday (:

1) Mom and Dad picked me up from Sammi's and we went to church. It was our trinity's turn to prepare lunch, so we made curry and salad. It actually tasted better than it usually tastes ;).

2) Since I didn't do any of my homework on Saturday, I devoted Sunday to doing my B day stuff. It was good to get it done!

3) Dad caught an opposum.. it reminded me of Elliot! Mom's not so happy... :O

Update on Tuesday!


  1. I miss Elliot. That is such an amazing name for an opossum. I can kinda understand Mom's reaction though. Speaking of which, how's Cleo doing?

  2. I know right!? It's an awesomely perfect name for an opossum!! Nice job for thinking it those years ago *high five* I don't think any other name can compare... *shakes head* and cleo is good (:
