Sunday, October 30, 2011

Send the Pig.

Hey! So it's Sunday and I don't want to forget to update, so even though it's not the end of the day, I'm going to update anyways. I don't think anything too exciting will happen in the next few hours, and if something does happen, I'll tell you in my Tuesday post!

1) So yesterday was Marisa's party. There was a lot of yummy food and we just hung out and talked. Then, we watched Winnie the Pooh. I started laughing a little longer than everyone else when Piglet said "send the pig". xD It made me think of you. I left sort of early (8-ish) because I was tired and really hadn't been home much all weekend. I got home, PLANNING to do homework, but just didn't feel like it and went to sleep at 9.

2) This morning, I took a shower and had coffee cake for breakfast. You know, the kind in the long, aluminum rectangular box? With a strip of cream cheese in the middle? Yup, it was good ^_^

3) And I've just been doing homework all day... Sigh.. Pretty boring. I still need to finish AP Euro and do my Chemistry homework. But I wanted a break!

Hope your day is going well. Today's been a pretty chill day, like most Sundays. I'll check in again on Tuesday (:

Saturday, October 29, 2011

Gettin' Into the Halloween Spirit!

Hello! It's the weekend- yay! This is my first time being home since yesterday before school :O Let's gooo!

1) So after school on Friday, I went to Sammi's house. It was fun because I haven't seen her in forever! We went to Subway for dinner. Then, her mom dropped us off at SHS to go to their play. It was like a collection of short horror stories- Edgar Allen Poe, the Most Dangerous Game, etc. It was actually pretty good! I enjoyed it. Plus, I ran into maira and meghan so that was good ^_^

2) After that, it was like 10 PM. So mom picked us up, dropped sammi back home, and mom took me to my friend Jasleena's house to sleepover. We made chocolate chip cookies and watched Paranormal Activity 2. I was falling asleep because I was so tired. It wasn't that scary, but it was pretty good.

3) THEN this morning at like 9, we went to a day care to help out with their halloween event. It's for kids with down syndrome. We volunteered for like 3 hours, helping set up and then clean up. The kids were so adorable! One girl kept hugging me ^_^ So cute <3

In about 3 hours, I'm going to go to Marisa's house for her Halloween Party! Should be fun!

Thursday, October 27, 2011

Munchin' on an Apple...

Hello, cyberworld! I was munching on my apple and... I thought it would be a good idea to write my blogpost for thursday in the morning because I'm going to be busy later with schol and the halloween event and homework. So, better early than late, right? At least, in most cases ;)

1) In Gifted yesterday, we played the last two games. One was sort of like Risk, and the other was this fantasy type game where you are a certain element, and throughout the whole game you try to accumulate points and are working against each other. But by the end, you realize that you need to unite to be able to conquer the master of evil (or some enemy like that). So your element can bond with other elements and things like that. They were fun! Except now, we need to write a paper about our "growth" and what we learned from the games next class... >.< Not so fun!

2) This Satuday, I'm going to Marisa's halloween party. That should be fun :) I'm excited for that! I'll tell you more about that on Saturday's post, of course!

3) Today, Sammi called me to invite me to go with her to Schaumburg's play. I'm glad she called me :) That's on Friday, and I'm excited~

Well this was a blog post talking a lot about the past and future.. Haha, new post Saturday!

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

My Blog Post With a Nonexisting Intro.


1) Today in Euro, we had an anchor dates test (easy!) and essay (sorta easy). Plus, we got back our tests from last time. I got an 85% :\ barely an A, but it's still good. Did she curve grades for your class when you were taking Euro, too?

2) I stayed after school until 5:30 working for yearbook. It was fun! I'm working on the homecoming coronation and homecoming football game. The title is "a Moment in the Spotlight". So cheesy.. haha!

3) For dinner, we had that spinach chicken, squash, salad, and rice. It was yummy. ^_^


Monday, October 24, 2011

Wow, how did that happen?

I don't know what happened, but I some how skipped Sunday! And I was doing so well. >.<

1) On Sunday, I went to the library and got some books. I got some historical fiction books, an adventure book, and one fantasy book. I want to read them, but I'm so busy I don't feel like I have time >.< Maybe over this weekend!

2) Found out that Sanette isn't coming home for Thanksgiving... *sad* This is going to be the first without her here with us! Well, at least she'll be with Donna.. But it won't be the same. We should still go Black Friday shopping, though. :)

3) I know this didn't happen on Sunday, but I'm going to share anyways. Tonight we had a band concert! We played our music from the football games in the gym for the parents. One person fainted right in front of me :O It was so hot in the gym, especially with our uniforms on! Besides that, it went pretty well.

Well, that's all for now! Bye!

Saturday, October 22, 2011

I'm sorry for all these blog posts that aren't "blog posts". But this is too amazing to pass up.

And that was a really long title!
You might think it's ridiculous to make ANOTHER SEPARATE post about this but...

On the fishy screen above this, click on the water.
Did you do it?
Did you press it?
That's pretty cool. :D
sidenote: this didn't count as one of my "big three", regular blog posts!
sidesidenote: This is going to be really unimpressive to you if you've already known about this -_-

Yaks and Tigers and Bears, Oh My!

Greetings, readers! To start off, I feel like I did a title similar to this before.. Oh well! And secondly, you'll find out why I changed the "lions" to yaks as you keep reading ;)

1) Last night was our last marching band night at the football games! We were playing Fremd, and lost (big surprise!). But we DID get a touchdown (surprise)! It was fun, but super cold. Our marching band concert in the gym for the parents is on Monday.

2) Today, Honomi and I went to the pumpkin farm for this church outing thing. It was a little awkward, but it made Dad happy. We saw a lot of animals, like yaks (title!), bears, monkeys, and even lions! They had a baby white tiger and it was so sleepy and cute. I wanted to take him home (as long as he wasn't vicious, haha).

3) Afterwards, we got Jimmy Johns. It made me think of last last summer when we got them for a dollar, then ate at the gazebo. :) Fun times!

Thursday, October 20, 2011


Hey! So I don't have much time today, so I'm going to make this post pretty quick!

1) Today in Gifted we went to the computer lab to start mind-mapping our project ideas. I'm still debating between...
Reform of Education
Ecofriendly Urban Planning
Game Theory

Sigh... still thinking!
2) I stayed after school for a PALS Hope meeting. We are making games for the community halloween event! The kids will look so cute! I'm doing Twister.

3) I need to finish writing my English essay.. It's a persuasive essay, and I'm writing it about how people have the power to persuade others. Wish me luck, it's due tomorrow! Plus I have a Euro test >.<

Talk to you soon~

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Silver Fishy, Red Fishy, Green Fishy, Blue Fishy...

 *eyes dart back and forth*
Every time I go onto my blog page I get distracted by those little fish swimming around. But today it was really bad- I stared at it for like 5 minutes. and I was going to close the window, then I remembered what I was supposed to be doing! Haha, here we goooo!

1) Today was Tuesday, which means... it was a late start! I got to sleep in until 8 :O It was great. And I actually ATE BREAKFAST! :O A bagel and grape juice and an apple. Late starts are just a great start to a day in general. :)

2) Today in Gifted we played our game! Remember how I was telling you about the Hill Game? Well, that didn't exactly work out, but we sort of changed it a bit and instead of doing it on a hill we just made an obstacle course in the hallway. There were some problems with the game, but overall I think it went pretty well. I hope our teacher liked it.

3) And here, for the best part of my day... *drumroll* I got a 91% on my math test!! And with test corrections it's a 94%! *happy dance* Yay that totally made my day because I thought I was going to get a C or a low B on it. Yay yay yay!

I hope you are doing well. And by the way, how do I get onto the hardrive to send you the pictures?

Sunday, October 16, 2011


I just remembered you telling me last time to change the settings so you don't have to put in the word verification every time you comment! So I just changed it, and let me know if it works now!

New High Record!?

The weekend is coming to an end... :( Well, it's late, and I have testing tomorrow for the PLAN and still have homework to do... :O Let's get into it!

1) Dad, Mom, and I went to Church today. It was nice because we haven't been there in a while. Everything is very different because Jario and Leena are the new pastors. Everything has a more younger gen. vibe to it. It was good though!

2) I went to the library today for 8 and a half hours. I think that's a new record. I did homework by myself for a bit, then met up with a friend. We spent a lot of time just talking though.. Haha, so I guess some of that studying time didn't technically count!

3) Then, I came home and took a shower. Sorry this third point is sort of boring. Lol, but that's literally like all I did today!

I don't want to go to school tomorrow! Anyways, I'll talk to you on Tuesday!

Saturday, October 15, 2011

Original Turkey on Wheat, Please!

Hello! Happy weekend :D Let's get right into it!

1) This morning, I went to Japanese. It was the first time I've been there in weeks (due to Tennis, I always had practice or tournaments on saturday mornings so I was never able to go to Japanese). I think today was my last time going, because I didn't sign up for the proficiency test in time. :\ I have mixed feelings.. I enjoyed going, learning and seeing my friends, but it was sort of expensive and the test isn't even for college credit. I'm glad I at least tried it though. And I'll never lose the foundation- I'll definitely take Japanese in college!

2) I went to Potbellys for lunch today! It was so yummmy! I haven't been there in a long time. My sandwich was nice and warm. ^_^ What are your favorite casual places to eat? My top three are Panera, Potbellys, and Chipotle. :D Just thinking about it makes me hungry!

3) Went to the mall with mom. I exchanged some of my birthday gifts from my friends. We spent a couple hours there. It was pretty fun! Mom found a dress for $5- pretty good deal!

Excited to read your Sat. blog post, and I'll talk to you tomorrow!

Thursday, October 13, 2011

From Pizza, to Math, to Newspaper...

It's late, but it's still technically Thursday!

1) I feel like that last update was ages ago, when in reality it was merely hours. We had a free day in gym today, so that was pretty nice. We went to the bike room and walked around and played badminton. :D

2) After school today, I was running around a lot. First I went to tell Newspaper that I would be late, and then I went to my math room to tell THEM I was going to be late (there was a study/help session going on for math), then I went to the tennis pizza party. I felt bad though because I only stayed for like, 10 minutes before rushing to math. THEN, after like 10 minutes (the pizza took a lot longer to come than expected), I ran to the publications office for newspaper and stayed late to work on my article. I'm planning to email it in by tomorrow. Busy day today!

3) I have a math test tomorrow which I'm super nervous for! I think I'm going to go to math tutoring tomorrow for some last minute help before the test 4th Block. *crosses fingers* wish me luck!

Update on Saturday

The first blog post back!

Hello! We miss you already!

1) I took the PSAT yesterday. It was... well, i didnt study at all, and some of it was hard. But itwas only practice so its ok!

2) I went home on the 3 o'clock bus for the second time this year! It was good though. because I had a lot of euro reading piling up so i caught up now.

3) We had Mapo (Mobu xD) Tofu last night! Yum! When you don't know what to say.. Talk about food! Haha!

Update later today!

Thursday, October 6, 2011

No-More-Tennis Thursday


1) Yesterday was the last day of tennis. It felt weird not heading to the locker room right after school today.. I'm actually kind of sad that it's over. I never thought I'd say that xD

2) Now that Tennis is over, I have time to go to my clubs! There was a PALS hope meeting today. We are organizing the Halloween event for the little kids in our community. So we brainstormed what games to create. I learned that little kids can get amused by anything.. And they look so cute in costumes! I'm excited!

3) After PALS, I rushed to Newspaper. I'm writing for sports this month.. Doing Varsity volleyball profiles. I just finished writing my questions that I'll ask the girls. Hopefully I can interview them soon- stories are due next week!

Anyways, now I have to go study for my French quiz. Now, I don't have to say "update on Saturday", but instead "I'll see you on Friday (aka tomorrow! ahh! :D). By the way, since both you and Sanette will be home, I was thinking we should go to the Art Museum! I have a free family pass that expires on December 31st, 2011 so I want to use it by then. Anyways, I think that would be fun and we should go. :D Tell me what you think!

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Tuesday Tennis

T-T-T-Tuesday update!

1) Had a Euro test today. I don't know how I did.. It was pretty hard.. We find out next class! It was on the Reformation.

2) Day 1 of tennis conference! We played Mount Prospect and lost >.< But we play again tomorrow. Our coach then drove us back to Hoffman. ^_^ I didn't even know they allow teachers to do that.. I thought you had to be a licensed bus driver to drive students. Haha, anyways, it was a fun car ride because we had like 10 people in the van.

3) Mom got mad at me AGAIN today.. sigh.. I'll tell you more about it later. Basically she said it's embarassing to her that I keep losing in tennis, and that im representing the tanaka family and if I can't even do well in tennis I might as well not try. (almost word for word what she said, no joke). I'll call you soon and tell you more..

Even despite that, my day was good. Hope yours was too <3

Monday, October 3, 2011

Sashimi Sunday


1) In the morning, I helped clean the house a bit. My room is now finally (somewhat) clean! Yay!

2) I ate sashimi for lunch ^_^ I feel like I mentioned eating sashimi for lunch in some other blog post too... LOL! Anyways, it was yummy!

3) I went to the library and studied for Euro with a friend. The test is tomorrow, and I still feel uneasy... >.<

Hope your weekend was good! Talk to you soon!

Saturday, October 1, 2011

Darn, missed by two minutes...

I have 6 minutes left! I can do this!

1) I was SUPPOSED to have a tennis game at 7 this morning. So I got there, and the coach was outside and said they rescheduled the game to 9. >.< So Dad have to drive me back home, then Ben got mad at me for making him wake up to drive me back... When I got there, NO ONE from JV was there except one girl.. So we ended up having to play 4th doubles for varsity. We lost >.< It was 2-6, 1-6. Even though we lost, it was nice getting to play Varsity for our very last game this year. (:

2) Tonight was Hoffman's homecoming. Marisa and Cassidy came over, and we got ready. It was pretty fun, I was just really tired, because yesterday I was at school from 6 AM-11 PM.. >.> Then I had to wake up for tennis that ended up being rescheduled. But it was still fun!! It was decorated really prettily. :D

3) Afterwards, we went to IHOP. It was yummy. ^_^ But I wasn't that hungry so all I got were mozzarella sticks. And then, I came back home and am now writing this blog post !

I miss you a lot! I can't wait until this weekend! Are you coming Friday or Saturday?