Thursday, September 29, 2011

Munch Munch Crunch

Right now, as I munch on my pizza, I will write up my Thursday blog post (:

1) We finally got our tennis shirts today! We were, ideally, supposed to get them before school started... :\ Yeah, that didn't work out.. They look nice at least. But, the season ends next week! Oh well, I'm glad we finally got them :D

2) In math, I got the third highest grade on the test in the class! I got a pencil ^_^ Yayy!

3) Tomorrow is the Friday before homecoming! That means decorated hallways, coronation (aka getting out of class EARLY!! :D), the football game... This also means going to school at 6 for marching band in the morning, and staying at school until 11 for marching band at night. It's going to be a long day, but it should be fun (:

Can't wait until next weekend!

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

On time.. For Once!

Hello!! I'm actually on time! I'm so sorry about being late on posts- I'll really try to be more on top of it from now on. Starting today! >: D

1) Yesterday, I didn't have practice due to the rain so I came home at 3. It felt so weird... It was the first time I went on a bus home other than the 5:30 one. But I had so much extra time! I didn't utilize it well though xD

2) In gifted, our next project is to design a bridge! It needs to be "beautiful" and strong enough to sustain weight. Sigh.. so many projects in that class. I don't even know how to start :\

3) It's homecoming week this week! That means spirit days. Guess what they are?
Monday: Mummy Day (lame.. esp. since it was raining hard that day, I only saw two people dress up)
Tuesday: Cartoon Day
Wednesday: Crazy Day
Thursday: 80s Day
Friday: HEHS Spirit Day
I'll probably just dress up for Friday. Haha!

Update on Thursday!

Monday, September 26, 2011

Sa-Sa-Sunday :)

Hola! Quick update on Sunday (:

1) Mom and Dad picked me up from Sammi's and we went to church. It was our trinity's turn to prepare lunch, so we made curry and salad. It actually tasted better than it usually tastes ;).

2) Since I didn't do any of my homework on Saturday, I devoted Sunday to doing my B day stuff. It was good to get it done!

3) Dad caught an opposum.. it reminded me of Elliot! Mom's not so happy... :O

Update on Tuesday!

Busy Busy Saturday!

Saturday was a very eventful day! Let's get into it :D

1) We had tennis Saturday morning. It was actually only an hour because we conditioned inside instead of playing outside (due to the rain). It was more exercise than we usually do in tennis (hehe), but it was good because it was shorter. :D

2) I went to Japanese! I hadn't been there in forever due to tennis tournaments and practice. Only me and Sammi could go, though. But it was good. I have a lot of work to make up, though!

3) I went to homecoming Saturday night at Schamburg! It was really fun! It was sort of last minute that I went, and I wore the same dress as last year's homecoming. It was still good though. I ended up sleeping over at Sammi's that night.

Next update is talking about Sunday!

Friday, September 23, 2011

OH my gosh!

Oh my gosh! I typed a whole post on my ipod, and I thought I posted it yesterday, but it didn't post! >: ( Well, yesterday was a pretty good day.. Let's get into it!

1) We got back the multiple choice part of our AP euro test, and I got a 95%! Me and my friend got the exact same score, and we were the highest grade in the class. :D But we didn't get the outlines back yet, and I know I did badly on that...

2) In tennis, we have "big sister little sister", where an older person is assigned to a younger person, and on game days you're supposed to buy them food, make signs saying good luck, etc. Okay so today was a game, and I completely forgot to get my "sister" something. So at lunch I just bought her a small bag of goldfish. But she brought me a whole goodie bag full of food and candy! I felt so horrible. I don't even want to eat it now because it's like I'm eating a bag of guilt. >.< On monday we have another game, and I'm totally going to make it up to her!

3) Lastly, we got Lou Malnati's for dinner! Yumm!

I'm out~

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Tests and Tennis

Hi! :D While I'm waiting for my bagel to crisp (toast?), I'll update! Starting from bad to good!

1) I took my Euro test! It was so nervewracking! We had to do an outline and thesis, and only had 5 minutes! I barely finished. And it was really disorganized and sloppy! >.< BUT, I did get the extra credit question! I'll let you know how the test went on Thursday's blog.

2) Tennis against Schaumburg! But we lost, 0-6, 3-6. Last year, we totally creamed them! But then again, that was the freshman team.. This year it was JV. Sigh.. But it's okay! Next time!

3) I just realized I wrote a lot of exclaimation points. So in this point, I won't. (: I might go to schaumburg's homecoming, if I can turn in the paperwork and get signatures in time! It's this Friday or Saturday.


Monday, September 19, 2011

Two men are arrested...


1) On sunday, I went to the library for 7 hours! I met up with 3 friends and we worked on math, chem, and euro. It was good. But, as always, when I work with a group sometimes I get distracted. But I still got stuff done!

2) I had Sashimi for dinner. I used to hate it, but now I like it! Yummy!

3) I talked to my brother on the phone last night. We talked about Game theory, divorce, riddles, and more... It was good talking to him!

Well, I'm out! (Gotta go to school!)

Sunday, September 18, 2011

Doughnuts, Tennis, Chem

Hey! First off, I apologize to one of my readers out there.. I was doing my math homework last night and fell asleep. I didn't even know you were on the phone until mom came in and told me.. And I thought I was dreaming... im sorry! I called you yesterday like at 5, so i guess you were returning my call? Want to talk tonight? I swear I'll be awake this time!

Anyways, here we go!

1) We had a tennis tournament at Lake Park yesterday. It was a quad, so there were 4 schools there- Hoffman, Lake Park, Conant, and Leydan. I thought it was home at first, but I got panicked because I didn't see anyone out there at 7:45. So I was just wondering outside. Finally, my coach found me. It was a bit embarassing, but oh well! He bought us all doughnuts too :D

2) Me and my partner are JV first doubles, and we lost all 3 games... :( but at least we improved with each game! Here were the scores-
Conant- 1-6, 0-6 (pretty bad)
Leydan- 4-6, 2-6 (still lost, but better!)
Lake Park- 7-5, 0-6, tiebreaker was 7-10 (even though we lost, we still split (we won one set, they won the second set), so I was happy! If we only got 3 more points in the tiebreaker, we would have won.. But oh well!)
We are versing Schaumburg this week, and I hope we win! :D

3) After I got home, I went to the library to study for Chem. I planned to stay until it closed, which I thought was at 10, but it actually closed at 5. :( But that's ok- I think i'm gonna be going there again to study with my study group for AP euro later.

I'll update later today for Sunday's post!

Thursday, September 15, 2011

Oh yeah, I'll tell you something...

You already know a bit of what happened today, but I'm just going to focus on the positive stuff for now :) Let's get into the "big 3"!

1) We had a half day today! Which means double the fun! :D The day went by super fast so it was awesome. :D Plus, I didn't have tennis today so I got home pretty early. Except for...

2) we had band practice after school, but only for like an hour. We practiced with the 8th graders because we have to march for the football game tomorrow night. We are playing Iron Man, Hawaii Five-Oh, La Bamba, and I Want to Hold Your Hand. The last one is stuck in my head!

3) In Gifted today, we got into small groups and we need to create our own game. It can be a physical game, a board game, a card game, whatever you want it to be. And it needs to have a moral/some sort of educational purpose. Afterwards, our class is going to play it and everyone needs to participate. The possibilities are endless. So far, all we have is something like, we go outside to this one hill. The goal is to make it to the top of the hill. Every man is for himself. But everyone else is trying to keep that person from getting to the top. But in the end, the only solution is to somehow work together.. We need to throw more obstacles in there, like maybe a wall? and blindfolds? The idea's still hazy.. but it has potential, I think.

Hope you had a good day today. :)

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Common Unity

Hola! Let's get into the big 2+1-0+4-2+1-3 :D

1) We went on a Gifted field trip today! We went to an organic farm. At first I thought it was going to be pretty boring, but it was actually really awesome. It's based on a community farm, so when you buy your fruits in vegetables it's not like you pay per pound, but pay a certain amount for that season, and then every week you go and can get your own vegetables. It's like you OWN part of that farm.

2) we first took a tour, and the very first thing they told us was about their bathrooms. They even use human waste as fertilizer. This may seem gross, but it's cool how they explained it. Basically, human waste has nitrogen in it, and when you use the bathroom it goes right into this huge bucket. but when you go you also throw in a handful of these wood shavings that have carbon in it. The nitrogen and carbon together help break the excretion down and keeps it from smelling. We learned a lot of other cool stuff, and as we went on the tour our guide let us just pick any fruit or vegetable we wanted as we walked. So people were randomly picking tomatoes, and peppers, etc. The blueberries were delicious!

3) After school, we had a game against Palatine. We lost D: Gahh, I'm starting to get frustrated with tennis! we keep losing! There's only 2 more weeks in the season, at least. I don't think I'm doing tennis next year, though. I want to spend my time doing other stuff!

Hope you're doing well! And are you coming home over Columbus day too?? Because Sanette is coming home that weekend!

Sunday, September 11, 2011

Chilling on a Sunday

Hello! Sundays are always my chilled out, stay at home days... At least they have been recently!

1) Boring, but just did my homework today. I got a lot done at least, so that's good! I like it getting it done on the weekend instead of the weekdays where it's even more hectic.

2) Me and mom had to drive to walgreens and I ran up to drop off the Redbox movie, and I couldn't figure out how to return it for like 10 minutes I was just standing there. Lol ok maybe 5. It was funny though people were probably wondering what was wrong xD. Ahh, redbox is interesting...

3) One of the best things about parties- the day after! The house is clean and we have all this yummy food. :D Yay!

Gah, back to school tomorrow.. :(

Saturday, September 10, 2011

I'm 13 minutes late!?

It's 12:13 am, and I'm 13 minutes off. UGH!

1) today was my birthday party! It was a lot of fun! We went to sweet tomatoes, then came back home. We went on the trampoline, played ping pong, and watched a movie. It was really nice seeing everyone all together again :D

2) Because I had a birthday party today, I had to clean all day up until the party started. Especially since we didn't even start cleaning until Friday night. >.< We are such procrastinators, but hey, at least we got everything done on time!

3) I spent a lot of time this morning making bracelets for my friends. I made 9, and each one takes like an hour to make.. so you can figure out how much time it took! But they all turned out good and it was worth the time. (:

overall, i had a great day! How was yours? update tomorrow!

Friday, September 9, 2011

It's Friday, Friday...

Hey! Let's get into the big three, shall we? :D

1) Yesterday it was super nice out! It was windy, my favorite kind of weather. :) The only bad thing was during tennis, the balls kept going everywhere. But we need to know how to play in those sort of conditions, so I guess it was a good thing. :P

2) My birthday celebration/party with my friends is tomorrow! I'm sort of worried because it's Friday, and we still haven't really done anything yet.. Gahh I've just been so busy with school and tennis and homework that I haven't been able to clean! But after I get home today.... >: D We'll get serious!!

3) We had mostacholli for dinner last night. It made me think of you!

 Excited to read your post!

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

A Chilly Day, Perfect for a Bowl of Chili

 Haha, I really want chili....
It's only been a day, and I miss you (you know who you are) already!

1) Another tennis match today. Against wheeling! I lost 3-6, 1-6. :\ But we are slowly getting better! So I was actually okay with our score. We'll get them next time >: D

2) We did an in class writing of the Crucible today in English. The prompt was how does the alienation of one character (you can choose which character to write about) show the morals and values of his/her surrounding society? I said John Proctor because his ability to speak his mind and be the voice of justice is such an abnormality in the hysteric town. I was the last person writing by the end of the block >.< lol!

3) My finger picking has gotten really bad lately... I really need to stop! It's just so hard! >.< But I don't know why, today they've been hurting more than usual! Just washing my hands hurts. How do you think I should break this habit? What are YOUR worst habits?

I'll talk to you on Thursday. :)

Thursday, September 1, 2011

It's hot hot hot!

Hello! ^_^ I didn't want to be late on my post again, so I'm making sure I get this one done today :D

1) I had my first Euro test today. I don't think I did that well... I was mad at myself because I didn't write down the extra credit answer... If she had worded it a bit differently, I would have gotten it.. Oh well, I can't really make up an excuse xD We find out our grade next class, though!

2) We were supposed to have a tennis match today, but all outdoor sports got canceled because of the heat! I'm sort of happy though  because I got to come home early!

3) Since I didn't have tennis, I went to the first newspaper meeting. I think I might do newspaper this year. Mrs. Carroll is the head of newspaper, and she's also my english teacher!

I'm super duper excited for one of you readers out there to come home on friday! :D yayy!
Bye! ^_^