Wednesday, November 30, 2011

First Post Back!

Hola, readers! I've missed you! I need to catch my bus soon, so I'll make it quick :)

1) So where we eat dinner is different now. we now eat in the kitchen. It's a bit weird, but I guess it's easier for mom to deal with the dishes and everything!

2) Monday after school, Scholastic Bowl was canceled... so I went to the publications office and just worked on my yearbook page until 5:30 ^_^

3) Yesterday after school (after SAVE club and math tutoring) I was waiting for the bus. But it was sooo late! Like 15 minutes late. and I thought I missed it but everyone else was waiting for it too. FINALLY it came! I was happy :D

Well, new post tomorrow! :)

Friday, November 18, 2011

Posts, Tests, Articles...


1) So on Wednesday we took our AP Euro test on Absolutism. Right when I walked in I had a bad feeling because we had a sub >.< I remember in elementary school, I loved subs. But now I don't like them because we don't get the work done, then do it for Hw. In this situation that wasn't the case, but he couldn't help us out like Mrs. Johansson usually does... Oh well. We ended up getting 10 extra minutes to work on it because he passed out the wrong scantrons! (Which was actually a good thing :P!). And the outline question (I can't believe we're this far in the year and STILL doing outlines >.<) was one I had practiced the night before so I was happy. We find out our grades today! *crosses fingers*

2) We got back our math tests today. Second best in the class! *happy dance*

3) After school, I went to PALS, then went to Newspaper until 5:30. I worked on my NHS article, and actually got it done! Yay! I hope it's good >.<

Gotta get ready for school... See ya! :)

No School Monday, Bridges, Inductions

Blog update for Tuesday!

1) So I had no school Monday, which was nice. :D I didn't really do much that day though... but it was relaxing! Friday off, the weekend, monday off, and late start tuesday = pretty awesome weekend!

2) In Gifted, we've still been working on our bridge. We haven't started the construction yet, but we're getting there. Still trying to figure out the filtering system and how the bridge will be anchored yet still float.

3) Tuesday night was the NHS Induction Night. I was getting quotes for yearbook, pictures for yearbook, and interviews for my Newspaper article. At first I was nervous, but then I got over that. I interviewed tons of students, the sponsors for the club, and a lot of teachers, and the principal! They had lots of good things to say. And this was a conversation between Mr. Ahn and I..
Ahn: Are you a Tanaka?
Me: Yeah
Other Teacher: How'd you figure that out so fast?
Ahn: She just has this Tanaka-like insanity about her.. it's in her eyes...
Me: o.O *confused*

haha! He's awesome though! I want to have him as my teacher sooo badly! :P

Well, that's all for Tuesday's post! Next is Thursday's!

Sunday, November 13, 2011

need to start doing posts earlier.. =P

Hello! I really need to start making my posts earlier in the day... I want to wait until last minute so then I can include the most exciting things that happen throughout my day, but then I find that more often then not, I end up not doing it until the next day. But I am getting it in time this time, so yayy!

1) Dad, Mom, and I went to church today. The message was good! But I've heard it before. The main message was "If you can dream it, you can achieve it" and "take time to breathe/relax". Definitely good messages! :)

2) I went to the library today with my friend to study for Euro. Let me just say it was very unproductive :\ I don't know why, it was just gloomy outside and I didn't feel like studying at all! All I felt like doing was reading a book or watching a movie... Sigh... Hopefully I can pull my act together and get down to some serious studying tomorrow!

3) Mom and I watched Slumdog Millionaire. It was On Demand for free! It was a really sad, but really good movie. Have you seen it?

Well, that's all for now, folks! All in all, good way to wrap up the weekend. :D Update on Tuesday! Bye!

Saturday, November 12, 2011

Tip Tappin' Away on iPod Touch (;

So it's Saturday night, and I'm typing this on my iPod so sorry if there are some mistakes! Hope it's alright, though!

1) today was a very chill day. I just read my book and did some homework.. Nothing too special =P

2) I made sukiyaki for dinner tonight. Saturday tradition! :D

3) after dinner, me and mom went to Jo-Anns. She wanted to get patterns because there was this deal to get each for $1. So I got one too! I want to make a bag. I hope it's not too hard! Mom said she would help me. Then we went and tried to get a movie from red box, but they didn't really have anything.. Then I came home and studied euro for like 10 minutes, lol!

Well that's all for now! I really hope thi will post!

How Do I Get So Late!?!?!

So starting off, want to say that I'm super duper sorry.. AGAIN. :\ Here we go, for Thursday's post!

1) So SINCE I was late, I'm going to include things that happened on Friday as well. ^_^ So I had no school on Friday for veteran's day, and for band we marched at the Police Station for the Veteran's parade thing. It was really good. The speeches they gave were really sad but really inspiring at the same time. We played God Bless America, God Bless the USA, and Salute to America's Finest. Though it was really cold, it was well worth it!

2) I went to the mall with Sammi and Rina on Friday. It was fun, but SUPER CROWDED! And you know how you said before "Oh, you never run into people at the mall, it's so big"? Well, that is a lie! I think I set the record for how many people I ran into. As I sit here counting, I believe I ran into 8 people (And no, they weren't all in one group =P).

3) Lately, I've been getting into the Christmas-y mood. I love this time of year :D. It snowed on Thursday, radios are starting to play Christmas music, all the stores are getting Christmas decorated (but I must say, it's pretty early to be doing that- it's not even Thanksgiving yet! I swear, they're getting earlier and earlier each year... *shakes head*). But I can't wait to make christmas cookies, go sledding, the whole sha-bang! :D We should make a list of what we will do this winter break (like we did for summer!). Oh, and what do you want for Christmas?

ON TIME update later today for Saturday! Bye!

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Writing this while brushing my teeth!

Hey, so I'm getting ready for bed and I knew that I needed to update! This is a late Tuesday post, I'm terribly sorry! But better late then never, so here we go!

1) In Gifted, as I probably mentioned before, we are making a bridge. So we have our basic concept down (we're working in groups). We want to make a bridge out of recycled material (pop cans, wrappers, etc), and include a water filter system underneath. It takes the water from the lake below, filters it, and have it "waterfall" / "cascade" back in. Then we want to have lights (powered by wind energy) so shine through to make the water look colorful. Then on the railing of the bridge, have ivy grow around it, and then on the inside of the "wall" have people of the community who helped contribute (by donating their cans and wrappers) sign the wall. Yeah, it's pretty complicated and it's probably not going to turn out exactly like this, but it's our goal. (: What do you think?

2) In Chemistry, we played a review game before taking a quiz. It was a maze on this big sheet full of sqaures with different ionic or covalent compounds written on it. We had to step on the right square and "translate" the compound. Whichever team made it through the entire maze first got extra credit on the quiz! And guess which team won? :P

3) I think I broke my record for the longest time brushing my teeth. It's been like 10 minutes, no joke! LOL I better go now. :) Bye!

Sunday, November 6, 2011

Fall Back!

As I sat here, doing my AP Euro homework, I realized I needed to update the blog! And I wasn't about to be late again! Here we go~

1) As you know, today we changed the clocks, and gain an hour! I love this time of year :D It WOULD be 10 right now, but it's actually 9! I haven't changed my watch yet, but I want to keep it regular time for as long as I can because then I get happy when I look and realize that I actually have more time than I thought, haha!

2) Went to the library today with my friend. It was fun! We got some stuff done, like our math and chemistry homework. The library has become like my second home now.

3) I ate scalloped potatoes today for dinner. I realized that that's my favorite form of potatoes :D So good!

Well, that's all for now. I'll talk to you on Tuesday!

Saturday, November 5, 2011

I'm sorry I'm late- BIG SIX!

1) First off, I finished that episode of "An American Life" about middle school. It was really good and funny and interesting xD LOL I was laughing when the dad called his son's friend's parents and called the kid "evan" instead of "devan" or something. haha and I was on the bus, too! Anyways, I'm going to download the next one when it comes out.

2) Last night I went shopping to get my friend a present, because her birthday party is today. We are going to a restaurant and then to a pottery place. I got her a scarf and two necklaces, and I really want to do this sentimental gift with a photo frame but the stupid photo printer isn't working becuase I can't find the camera cord! Ughh so I now I don't know what to do.. Well, I have 4 hours to figure something out. =P

3) In English, we are starting to read the tragedy of Julius Caesar. It is pretty interesting so far. But I hate how Shakespeare is so hard to understand sometimes! But I think it will get better.

4) On Thursday night, I went to help usher for the fall play for theater guides. The play was "Twelve Angry Jurors" (based on 12 angry men). But, they had girls in it so they needed to change the name. Have you ever read the book? It was really good, except I was so tired that night I was struggling to stay awake >.<

5) Today I got to sleep in ^_^ I was happy because I don't like waking up early :[ hehe, I woke up at 9 -ish.

6) As you can probably tell from my last point, I'm running out of stuff to talk about! Uhmmm... I emailed you the pictures! Sorry I was late. Anyways, go check your email if you haven't already! =]

ON TIME update tomorrow! (:

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Park that pumps water...?

It's Tuesday, which means the day of a blog update! Here we gooo!

1) Yesterday was Halloween! I went trick or treating with Sammi and Rina and Sammi's sisters and brother. It was fun and I got a lot of candy! The best part was after everyone else left/went home, and it was just me and Sammi trick or treating at like 7:30. There was no one else out and it was dark outside, so people gave us handfuls of candy because they were trying to get rid of it! We got so much in those 20 minutes or so! It was awesome ^_^ I was a cat =^_^=

2) Today in Gifted, our next assignment is to build a bridge or house. It has to be "beautiful" and be able to make it through putting weights on it and hard weather. We also watched this video on bio-mimicry and about this one park where when kids play on the swings, it pumps water or generates electricity at the same time! Isn't that awesome? and by the way, all the videos we watch are usually from Ted Conference. :D It made me think of you! Do you still watch videos from there?

3) In math, we got our tests back and I got the best score out of the class! I was happy ^_^ I got a 61/60.

Hope you are well! I miss you! Excited to read your post later!