Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Oh blog, how I've missed you!

So... It's been a while. :P Do I still remember how to do this? .... OF COURSE I DO!! :D

1) Yesterday afternoon I went grocery shopping with mom. We finally got more food! :D Like Krunchers. I'm eating some now (yes I'm so healthy). om nom nom nom... *crunch crunch*

2) When I got home, I studied a bit for my french and chem finals for tomorrow. I'm not too worried about them though. I think those two will be my easiest out of the five. *crosses fingers* wish me luck!

3) We got our PLAN test scores back in English today.. And I'm disappointed by my scores -_- :(
I got a composite score of 27 (out of 32). I know I could have done so much better! I got a 28 in reading, 28 in math, 27 in grammar (i think) and 24 in science. Stupid science, bringing everything down. Sigh... do you remember how you did on the PLAN?

Well, that is all! I'm going to try and go to bed early tonight (and study a bit more for chem!). Good night! See you Wednesday!

1 comment:

  1. Do I still remember how to comment? ... OF COURSE I DO!! :D

    Anyway, pretty nice scores for the PLAN test. I don't really recall what mine were, but they're probably in a file somewhere. Looks like you're on a good track and with a bit of practice, could get a really great ACT score (hopefully better than me!)

    Oh, and apparently I haven't commented on the past few times, so you can go back and read those (since 12/12).
