Wednesday, August 31, 2011

The sun is shining!

Hi! Sorry this post is up the morning after Thursday :( I accidentally fell asleep doing homework.. And woke up at 4 to finish. I always try to do my posts at night (after the day's almost over) but I'll try doing it earlier!
1) yesterday was my birthday! Sorry I missed your call. Me and mom were at the library. Call me back tonight! My day was ok, not too special because I had school and everything.. But it was good! Esther decorated my locker, jasleena gave me cupcakes and Saba made me a card :)

2) tennis match against mount prospect yesterday! Lost 1-6, 0-6 :( we'll get em next time..

3) wondering why I'm writing this post on a Wednesday morning at 8:25? Mom let me skip first block because I only got 3-4 hours of sleep. XD

I gotta go to school! See you!

Monday, August 29, 2011

studying it up on sunday!

I spent most of the day doing homework.. Oh well, at least I got most of it done!

1) Mom and Dad came home from their camping trip today! They said they had a great time, so that was good to hear. They said the other people in the Camping Club who went had fun as well. It's good to have them back!

2) I spent all day in my pajamas. ^_^ Haha, I wasn't even planning on doing that, but before I knew it it was 5 and I was just like, I'm not going to bother to change. It was relaxing though!

3) I don't know what it is, but I've been feeling kind of sick lately.. Not bad enough to rest, but it's not like a cold or anything... I've just been feeling weak lately and my stomach and head occasionally hurt. >.< Hopefully I get better!

Anyways, today was a pretty chill day. How was yours? (:

Saturday, August 27, 2011

I can't think of a title.

(I'm so creative, I know. (; )
Hi, my readers! I love how I say that plural-y, even though I think there's only one reader out there... It would be funny if there were more. xD Well, it's Saturday, and you all know what that means! New update! Let's go~

1) I had tennis this morning from 9-11, and I actually had a lot of fun! I think it was the most fun practice so far. I still need to improve a lot, but we played games pretty much the whole time, and that's the best part. The girls who I was playing with were fun to play with, too. :D

2) I went to the mall with Rina today! She picked me up since I didn't have a ride. We went to Woodfield. We walked around, I actually didn't buy anything except frozen yogurt. But it was still enjoyable! It was weird, we had sooo many encounters with different workers and people in various stores, it was kinda strange. First off, we ran into a LOT of people we knew! Which I guess is understandable since a lot of people go to the mall, but it's a big place! Then to top it off, we had a lot of funny encounters with store workers, like at this one hat store and at Marbles. People were just really friendly today, I guess!

3) After the mall, Rina came over (around 5-ish). Her mom was super nice, and bought us a pizza for dinner so we brought it over to our house. We ate pizza and went and played tennis. Then we went on the trampoline and talked. We started watching this one movie on TV, but then she had to go. She just left.

Turned out to be a pretty good Saturday! I feel like I procrastinated a lot on homework, but I'm going to spend Sunday doing that, probably. I'm excited to read your update!
New update tomorrow!
Good night. (:

Thursday, August 25, 2011

Was today yesterday?

Hi! Well it's thursday, and time for another update!
1) yesterday, I had my first day of swim gym. I talked to the coach, and now he put me in partner's gym (helping disabled kids). So I'm out of swim gym now, yay! But the thing is, my coach is now my gym teacher.. So I definitely can't quit tennis now >.< 2) yesterday was my first day of ap euro! I like how my class is small, and I like my teacher, but we got lots of homework, even on the first day. I'm still not done, but I'll do it tomorrow morning xD hehe. 3) last night (I'm sorry they're all about yesterday! I know it's supposed to be about TODAY but yesterday was much more interesting xD) I got really sick. >.< I came home after my tennis match (lost 0-6, 3-6) and I started to feel a migraine or some REALLY intense headache and stomach ache. So I laid down for a second, took medicine, then I threw up >.< gross, I know.. But I went to sleep and felt better this morning. It was weird, like a one night stomache flu. But I feel much better now! (: what do you do when you feel sick?

Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Suddenly a Sophomore!

Happy Tuesday! Well, a lot happened today- mainly because it was my FIRST DAY OF SCHOOL! I don't like being a sophomore, I want to be a freshman again.. >.<
1) Gifted was actually a lot of fun today. We had to do this "team-building" project, where a ball was dropped down this long, cylinder tube and we had various items (two paperclips, a rubber band, a small wrench, thread, a plastic cup, and a clippy thing). We had to try and get the ball out, without tipping it over. So everyone told me (long and skinny arms) to get it out, and the teacher was like "that's impossible" but I got it out! haha, too bad he said we needed to find ANOTHER way to get it out. So, we used the cup and filled it with water, making the ball float its way back up. The downside to class was we already need to start brainstorming Gifted project ideas... And I have NO IDEA what to do!! HELP!
2) 2nd block I had Chem. My teacher's a bit weird, but I guess she's nice. We already started working on labs today. We poured acid on cows' eyeballs and made rainbow solutions and turned aluminum foil into rust and exploded stuff. :D BUT, two projects and lab analysis' were assigned >.<
3) It was raining today, so we didn't play tennis. Instead we just stayed inside. Varsity conditioned but the rest of us weren't even DOING anything! But it didnt end until 5... Oh well. We have a match tomorrow! I'm nervous~!
Anyways, overall my day was good I guess. How was yours?

Monday, August 22, 2011

Summery Sunday!

I know I'm late. And I'm sorry. I got home at like 11 last night.. and was kinda tired.. Then I had to wake up early and was at school until now, pretty much. So, let's get into it!!
So on Sunday...
1) I finished the Crucible in the morning! Yay! I thought it was an O.K. book. The ending was horrible, though! Now I kind of want to re-watch your cartoon, because now I'll actually UNDERSTAND what I was saying. But quick question- why, out of all the characters, did you pick Mary as the most innocent? I guess I should watch the animation, but I don't know where to find it xD
2) Mom's been on a health kick.. So for lunch yesterday we had salad. It was actually pretty good though. It had shrimp, egg, blueberries, and then all the regular salad stuff. Plus, it had croutons!! (Throw on some croutons, it makes everything taste better ;) )
3) Now, for the most fun part of my day! I went to Maira's house for a BBQ! It was really fun! We played games, had hamburgers and hotdogs, macaroni salad, fruit salad, all that jazz. We made a fire and made smores and just talked. It was a good summer night! And I hadn't seen a lot of my friends in a long time, so it was good to catch up.
Overall, I had a good day yesterday! I'll update again tomorrow! (my first day of school... >.< gah)

Saturday, August 20, 2011

Rain, Rain, Go Away...

Hey! Today was kind of a cold, rainy day... But let's get into it!
1) Even though it was raining on and off all day today, we still had band camp (tennis was canceled). We spent almost all day inside, except for the last hour we spent outside practicing pre-game and our half-time show for the football game. Inside, me and one of my friends made bracelets. ^_^
2) Me and Rina were GOING to hang out, but it ended up not happening.. :( But that's okay, I instead spend the day reading the Crucible. I only have one more act to go! It's sort of confusing at some parts and a bit boring, but it's alright.
3) I watched HIMYM, and it made me miss a certain drink and a certain brudder... >.<

Sorry my "3" were sort of boring today! I didn't really do much.. lol. I can't believe I start school in three days. Things will get more interesting when that starts, probably. ;) Expect my next blog post tomorrow!
Good night, cyberspace! (: *head falls on keyboard* gyubrkhulknfgi

Thursday, August 18, 2011

So, it's been a while.

Hello! I was reading my past blog posts, and I kind of like how each is similar to a little journal entry. It's cool to re-read what I wrote, and remember the exact day so clearly. Now, on to the big three (it's been a while since I've said that!)
1) I had Tennis this morning, from 8-10. It went... okay. I don't know, I'm still not really ENJOYING tennis that much... But right now I'm continuing to stick with it. I'm still thinking about whether or not to keep doing it this year. But today we just played games, which I guess was sort of fun.(:
2) Band camp! I got sunburned really badly, even though I put sunscreen on >.< Today was the fourth day of camp, and it's tiring but it's still pretty fun (at least sometimes!). We just practiced marching and playing for the football games and preparing for marching season.
3) During our lunch break, me and a few friends went and explored the school, finding all our classes. So I know where my locker and all my classes are now! :D yayyy!

To be honest, sort of a boring day. >.< Tomorrow I have tennis and band (but only for about two hours- playing at the pep assembly for the freshman kick-off). again. I'm missing a certain big little brudder! :(
P.S. Did you forget a laptop wireless cord, or something? Ben mentioned it at dinner earlier. Mom said she'd mail it to you, but we don't really know what it is. Just call her and tell her where it is if you want her to mail it to you!