Wednesday, January 25, 2012

GOD'S DAY 2012!

Sorry this one's late... :\ But here's Sunday's post!

1) So we left around 11 to go to Chinatown. We knew it was a day before Chinese New Year, but because the ACTUAL day is on a monday, we thought they might have a celebration on Sunday because it's the weekend, people don't have work, etc. But in reality, it was practically EMPTY! But we walked around the shops, got a light lunch (noodles and ramen), and mom and dad bought ginseng tea.

2) Then we got to church at 1. They had service, entertainment, and dinner. We were there until 8!! The reason why it took so long was because after dinner, we were waiting to hear from Korea and there's time difference issues and all that. Though it was a long day, it was a pretty good day (:

3) I saw my friend Honomi at church. I hadn't seen her in a long time (she was in dual language), so it was nice catching up. We want to organize a get together with all the Dooley Bilingual people. Hopefully that happens!

Well, that's all! Next is Tuesday's post!

1 comment:

  1. It's great to hear you had a fun time at church! Happy True God's Day!!
