Friday, January 20, 2012

3 Down, 2 more to go!

Hola friends! Update for.... *drumroll* THURSDAY~!
1) So I took my AP Euro final. I was so so nervous walking into the classroom! But it turned out to not be too bad. :) I hope I at least get a B on it *crosses fingers* Now two more!
2) At night, Dad had his Ping Pong club. I helped mom move stuff around and prepare snacks. Unfortunately, not that many people came... But it's okay, it was only the first meeting. I think more people will show up in the future. The people who did come seemed to have a good time.
3) I read a certain reader's reflection on a certain retreat. It was great! It's really important to reflect after you return from a trip like that. It sounded really inspiring too ^_^

Well that's all for now, folks! See ya Saturday!

1 comment:

  1. 2, That sounds really great! Thanks for having some support for Dad! Yeah, hopefully more people get interested and come to future events.

    mincom3: Thanks for reading it!!

    Also, I like the porky pig reference at the end!
