Friday, January 27, 2012

Time Traveling!?

Herrow~ I know it's Friday, but today was a good day, so I'll talk about Friday in Thursday's post. ^_^

1) In gym, we are in the swimming unit. But since a lot of the kids (special ed.) were going on a field trip, we just sat in the pool area and watched a movie. I wasn't really paying attention, instead I was finishing my homework for the next block. It was nice to not have to go in the freezing pool!

2) In Band, my friend and I are doing a duet for Solo and Ensemble. So we got to get out of class and go into a practice room to, well, practice. It was fun and we got to work with the flute teacher (sort of a private lesson!)

3) We are reading Huckleberry Finn in English class. I like the book so far- I like the characters and the plot! I also think it's easier to understand than Julius Caesar.

Overall, a pretty good Friday!
I hope your week went well! Talk to you soon!

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