Saturday, January 21, 2012

WARNING: This is a long one. (:

So today I realized it was Saturday, so that means an H2S update! At first I thought I forgot to do the Thursday post, but then remembered I did that. It felt like so long ago... I think this entire week felt very long because of finals. But now they are over! Yay! :D Let's start this big 3!
1) So on Friday, my last two finals were Math and English. I'm sort of nervous about them.. But hopefully I did okay. So for English, I had to stay after the bell because I wasn't done with the final. I knew I was going to miss my bus, but I was just praying that mom could pick me up. So after I finished, I went to the main office to call (I didn't have mom's cell phone with me). But she didn't answer... I called home and her cell. THEN, I left the office and waited at school for about an hour, periodically calling home, mom's cell, dad's cell, and ben's cell. I didn't have any neighbors' numbers memorized or anything so i couldn't call them. After an hour of waiting (which felt much longer) I was panicking. Plus, since it was the end of finals week AND a friday, there were no after school clubs, the library wasn't open, etc. So it was even more nerve-wracking. Finally, not knowing what to do, I just walked home. And this at the beginning of a VERY bad blizzard (more on that topic in my next point)- so the ice was slippery and it was really cold! And I had on a light jacket :\ When I reached the CRC, I stopped in there to get warm and try calling again- but no answer. Anyways, fast forward-- mom wasn't happy that I walked home :\ She said I should have waited at school longer... I guess I should have, but I really didn't know what to do and it felt like I was waiting much longer than an hour. Well it was quite an adventure, to say the least! I think this is the record for longest story on this site. xD

2) Friday night, I had to go BACK to school for the basketball game. I was surprised it wasn't cancelled- the weather was SO bad and even the main, busy streets weren't plowed. It took about a half hour to get there. And there weren't many people there at band. But it was still a fun game- all my friends were there and the game was super close (But we lost.. Fremd only won by 3 points, tho so it was close). I'm glad I went, even though it was snowy ^_^

3) I deep-cleaned my room today. I decided I should make this point a short one because the other two are long :P

Side Note: What do you call these "1, 2, 3" things? "points"? "events"? "anecdotes"? "stories"? Haha, I never know what to call them!
Well, that's all for now. New update tomorrrrrrow! GoodBye


  1. (1) I can't believe I'm saying this, but it may be time for you to get a cell phone. I remember a similar story happening for me, only it was late at night when I needed a ride. Anyway, glad you got home safe and sound!

  2. Haha, I'm trying to use this as a reason to get one! IDK if mom and dad will go with it, though... :(
