Wednesday, January 25, 2012

TV, Expos, Finals

Now's Tuesday!

1) Monday I had off because of teacher institute day. I went to Sammi's house. I hadn't seen her since New Years Eve. We just talked and watched Lost and Merlin. Have you seen either of those shows?

2) Tuesday I was back to school. In Gifted, I can no longer avoid it... We are starting to discuss our expo projects *dun dun dun*. He said we need to identify a "nagging question". I still don't know what to do for it. :(

3) I've been getting my finals back. I got A's in both Chemistry and French, but in math..... I got a B. My overall grade in the class is an A-, but I still wish I did better in the final. It was a very low B, too. :\ Sigh... Whatever... I'll get over it.

BONUS! 4) But when I was walking to the late bus, I found a lucky penny. :') That made my day a bit better! haha. ^_^

1 comment:

  1. [MinComs on all of them!!]

    I've seen the first few episodes of Lost, but haven't even heard of Merlin.

    Is there some way how you could work game theory into education?

    Awesome job on your grades. Proud of you!!

    Now is that lucky because it was heads up? 1996? Or both?
