Tuesday, December 13, 2011

It's a miracle!

A post... ON TIME! :O Anyways, you know the drill!

1) I'm super excited for winter break! :D But I have a lot of tests this week.. Chem and Math on Thursday, and an AP Euro test on Friday. I think all the teachers are trying to get it in before break. I guess it's better than having them after, with 2 weeks to start forgetting the information. Anyways, how are your finals going?

2) I had a SAVE holiday party today! It was fun. We had a secret santa and had to bring in a $10 present... But mine was really lame >.< And I opened a REALLY nice one! I felt so bad. But luckily someone "stole" it from me, and I ended up getting a mug. I was happy though because I would have felt too guilty keeping that really nice one!

3) After that, I went to math tutoring with my friend. Like i mentioned in #1, I have a math test Thursday. We are learning about polynomials. :P

Well, talk to you soon! :)

Monday, December 12, 2011

Sunday Sunday!

1) I ate eggs, potatoes, and toast for breakfast. It was the first time I ate an actual breakfast in a while (which is bad)! But it was yummy and a good way to start off the day :)

2) Me and mom went to Carsons to make a return. Then, we just walked around the mall. Didn't get anything, but it's fun to just walk around during the holiday time. So many pretty kiosks, bustling stores, and christmas music playing. It reminded me of ALL THE SHOPPING I NEED TO DO! :( Do you have a lot of shopping left?

3) Then, I just did some homework when I got home. Oh, and we had tonkatsu for dinner!

Pretty chill day! I'm excited for when you come home soon! :)

It's the holiday season!

1) Friday night, I went to Sammi's house with Rina to help bake. On Saturday, she hosted a secret santa party (more on that in the next point). We made chocolate spice cupcakes with buttercream frosting- they were yummy! We also had taco salads for dinner (and i had one at school for lunch too xD). We watched the Polar Express. I left around 11.

2) On Saturday morning, I went to Kohls with mom to get the rest of my present for Meghan. I got her a pretty silver scarf to complete it! The rest of the present was bracelets and bath and body works lotion, gel, and spray. I think she liked it!

3) The actual party was fun too! Rina and I went over early to help out. We decorated and made yummy salsa and other good food. Around 17 people came! I met a lot of their Schaumburg friends. The bad part was that my secret santa couldn't come.. :( I was sad.. Everyone else got a present but me. But then I got home, and it was sitting on the piano! She dropped it off for me even though she couldn't make it ! That was nice of her. I got a cardigan, cami, and chocolate :D

Turned out to be a nice day. :)

Euro, Layout, and Games!

Thursday was a tiring but good day :) Let's get into it!
1) I got my Euro test back. I got an 89%. Not my best score, but I'm still pretty happy with it. Those tests are hard so I feel good about it. :)

2) After school, I went to the library for a half hour with two friends. Then, I went to the Newspaper office and helped with layout for about 2 and a half hours... It was tiring but I enjoyed it :) We want to get it printed and ready to hand out by Wednesday.

3) After Newspaper (it was around 5:45), I went to pep band for the first basketball game. It was against schaumburg! Unfortunately we lost. Anyways, I really wanted to go to this game because we only had to go to half of it (since it was a school night), but we got one full credit for going. We need to go to at least 7 out of the 10 games for pep season. Not many of my friends were there, but there were a few people there that I talked to. It was an intense game!

I ended up coming home around 9. I had a really bad headache that night, but it felt better in the morning. Anyways, next is Saturday's post! :)

Wednesday, December 7, 2011


Ugh. I really need to start posting on time. :\ Anyways, to accomadate sunday AND tuesday... BIG SIX!!!

1) On Sunday I went to the library (again!) to study with my friend. We ran into SOOO many people from our school there! I guess a lot of people go on sundays! I can't imagine during finals week :o

2) On Monday after school, I went to Scholastic Bowl. But the teacher wasn't there because he was at a meeting regarding block scheduling (we find out soon!). So, I left after about a half hour or so.

3) Since Scho Bo was over, Jasleena and I went to her house. We ate food and then studied for Euro. She also curled my hair :P But, I had to shower that night, so... it didn't last :\

4) I took my AP euro test yesterday. It was on the Sci. Rev. and the Enlightenment. I think I did badly :( There were so many questions that I couldn't decide what was the right answer! I hate it when you're debating over two. Anyways, I don't want to see what I got!

5) Also regarding AP Euro. We took the test today while all her other classes took it last week. SO we are behind. We have an ENTIRE chapter to read for next class! And its 27 pages! AND NOTES! grr :( Well I guess that's what we get for having a whole weekend to study for the test. :(

6) I'm eating a breakfast bar for breakfast! you know, the homemade one with the cranberries and chocolate chips? yumm :D

Sunday, December 4, 2011

Bball+Mall+Food+Movies=Good Weekend!

So when I heard mom talking to you on the phone, I was like noooo! Because she was telling you all the things I was going to tell you in my post! LOL. Anyways, here we go!
1) On Friday night, I went to Schaumburg's basketball game to play in the pep band with Maira and Rina. And Sammi and Meghan came too (not to play, but to watch). So I split up my time hanging out with them. Afterwards, Sammi and Rina came over and we just talked for a while. It was really fun!

2) Today, mom and I went out shopping, out to eat, then to a movie. We first went to the mall. I got most of my present for my "secret santa" (sammi's having a party next weekend). I got jewelry and bath and body works.. it doesn't seem like much, but I almost spent the budget on it. After the mall, we went to Potbellys (yum!). THEN, we went to the Picture Show Theatre ($1.75 for a ticket) and saw The Help, which mom already told you about. Lol it was good!

3) Lastly, we had Chinese for dinner. Not my favorite, but still pretty good.

That is all! Sunday update (on time) later today!

Friday, December 2, 2011


Yeah yeah, I know this is THURSDAY'S post, but I still said TGIF in the heading.. I just wanted to say it XD Second post back, still getting into the swing of things! :) Here we goooo!
1) So on Wednesday after school we had a Euro Review Session. It was the first one I attended the whole time. But a lot of people didn't come for some reason.. Did she have review sessions when you were taking the class, too?
2) We put up the christmas tree! I saw in in the window when I was getting off the bus yesterday and my expression was :O. I ran into the house, I was so happy! ^_^ Then we decorated it that night. Ooh, and the new arrangement of the living room looks sooo good! It's the best arrangement we've had yet! :)
3) I've had a new favorite breakfast recently- a burnt bagel with butter. It's weird, but so good! I'm eating one right now ^_^

Well, that's all for now! New post on *drumroll* saturday!