Friday, May 13, 2011

Frappé Hour

So unfortunately, blogpost wasn't working last night. >.< so, I'm going to make up for my post today, so sorry it's a day late!
1) I had a bio test today. I'm not sure how I did on it.. I was running out of time near the end. It was on protein synthesis and DNA replication and stem cells and DNA fingerprinting. Cross your fingers for me!
2) after school, I went to my friend saba's house. It was my second time going there. It was really fun. We went to starbucks. I don't like coffee, so I got a vanilla bean frappé. It wa pretty much just like a milkshake. XD but the best part was it was half off! From 3-5 this enire week, all frappés were half off. Good day to go. ;)
3) hmmm... What's a third thing... It rained and was cold today. :/ this week had been so beautiful, I just knew it was too good to be true! I hope it gets warmer soon!

I'm excited for a certain big little brudder to come home tomorrow. :)

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Good Evening (almost morning)!

Hi! It's super late and I gotta wake up at 6 tomorrow, so let's get right into it-
1) it was such a beautiful day outside again! In Gifted, we got to go outside and sat in the grass in a circle and discussed about stuff. :)
2) Today after school, Cassidy came over to work on Geometry homework. We did a bit of that, but mostly talked and went on the trampoline. Hehe.
3) I had a band concert today! It went well, but very long. This is part of the reason why this post is so late.
Hope you reader(s) had a nice day!

Sunday, May 8, 2011

Summer, Where Are You?

Hey reader(s)! I hope life's going well for you all! Right now, I'm wrapped in a blanket in my basement after taking a shower and typing up this blog post. ^_^ Let's get into it!

1) Today was Mother's Day, and yesterday I made chocolate cupcakes for my mom. But I realized I was missing something very important- FROSTING! AND WE HAD NO POWDERED SUGAR IN THE CABINET :O. So, I very nicely asked my dad to take me to the store to get frosting. xD He was so nice and he did. :D The lady checking us out probably thought we were weird for just buying one item, but that's okay. It was just what I needed for the cupcakes!

2) It was an absolutely gorgeous day outside today. My parents spent most of it gardening and cleaning outside. I read my book on the deck and it was so relaxing and nice. :D I hope the weather stays like this.

3) I helped my mom make dinner, and we grilled because it was nice out. We made chicken shishkabobs. I really think I spelled that wrong... lol. They were yummmmy. Shishkabobs always remind me of summer. I was in a very summery mood today. Then after dinner, I presented mom with my cupcakes and a card and she liked it a lot. ^_^ Then we all played Scattergories.

Overall, this weekend was really great! But I really missed a certain person who will remained unnamed. But I know you're out there reading this. :) I was thinking, "this would be perfect bikeriding weather..." But then I remembered that he's coming home in a week, and that made me happy! I miss him!
Well, I think I might go to bed early tonight (because I finished all my homework, yeah!). Sweet dreams, cyberworld!

Saturday, May 7, 2011

Origami, Cupcakes, Movies, Oh My!

Good evening<3. I hope you are having a good day (sofar). Haa, here are my 3!

1) At 10:30 I went to Japanese. It was actually really fun! I Got 100 on both my quizzes, and we made mother's day cards with origami. ^_^ Afterwards, me, sammi, marisa, and meghan got wendy's frosties. Yum!

2) I made chocolate cupcakes for part of mom's mother's day present! Yay yay! I went to CVS and got chocolate cake mix. Mom was at Grandma's today, so it was a perfect time to make it. I hid them in my room, and I'm going to frost them tomorrow. :)

3) Today Rina came over. We went on the trampoline, watched "The Dark Knight", and made fried rice. That was really fun, especially since we had a lot to catch up on- I haven't seen her in FOREVER, it feels like.

I realized all my posts involved food.... Hehe. Anyways, I had a pretty good Saturday! I hope yours was too. Well, I'm going to go watch a movie with mom. Can't wait to read your Saturday update! Bye~

Thursday, May 5, 2011

Choking on a Lifesaver?!

Hi! Whenever I see the caption under my blog's main heading, I laugh. H2- Oh, no, I mean S! Ahaha! Gets to me every time. ;)

1) I had a test/quiz in every block today! That's one bad thing about having all my core classes in one day. -_- But the worst part is I think I did bad on mostly all of them! First was Bio, and we took a quiz on protein synthesis and DNA replication and I did horrible. o.O and in math, we took a test and I think i did bad on that too. >.< English was good because right after we took the quiz, we graded it in class and I got 100 ^_^. THEN, was history, which I think I did bad. :D Well, we just have to wait and see!

2) I came home on the 3 o'clock bus today! It felt so weird not going to the locker room and then to practice. I already miss it. :( I don't like coming home early... I feel like I get LESS done, ironically, then when I get home at 6. All I did so far was write just one page of notes out of 12 I have to do for World History. So unproductive, lol!

3) This one actually happened last night- I was eating a lifesaver, and started choking on it. Then I started to laugh because of the irony. Then, my eyes started to water cuz it hurt so bad. So I was choking, laughing, and crying all at the same time! Then I started laughing harder because of the randomness of it all. But don't worry, I'm all good now. :)

Well, back to homework and unloading the dishwasher! Bye!

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Try, Try, Try Again!

Yo Yo Yo! Don't have much time tonight, so I'm going to get right into my 3!

1) In Math, we played a review game and each question on the board was covered by a different smiley face. He picked a student randomly to pick a smiley face, and we had to answer the math question that was underneath it. There were things like candy, pencils, 5 pts extra credit, 10 pts extra credit, 25 pts extra credit, and doughnuts! Mr. Mead would give us whichever was the LAST one left on the board. We had 3 chances if we got a question wrong. If we got 3 wrong, we didn't get anything. It was so unfair... We finished the ENTIRE board, but the last one left was pencils. -_- I wanted the 25 extra credit, ha!

2) Today was the very last day of Badminton. We had conference today, and me and my partner Adeena were in the line up! That was good news, except the bad news is we did pretty bad... Personally for us, our scores were 21-14 (good on the first game), 18-21 (close!), and we split, and the third game we lost 16-21. :'( I was so disappointed... Me and Adeena tried hard though, and Adeena was sick so she did really well considering HOW sick she was. Our whole team didn't do that great... Only our first doubles team went on. Most of us lost the first round. >.< So yeah... Next year, we'll come back stronger!

3) After we got back to Hoffman, I was going to the locker room to get my stuff and a totally (somehow..) scraped the back of my hand on the door! I don't know HOW, but now I have a bunch of bloody gashes all over the back of my hand. :'( Ouch!

Well, I gotta go study for history, make a map, and read the Odyssey.... New update on Thursday!

Sunday, May 1, 2011

I spy, with my little eye...

Six, mix, kicks, licks, pics..... Let's get into the big "six divided by two"!

1) This morning, I was very productive. :) I woke up around 8:30, and I finished the chapters I had to read of The Odyssey for English. Then, I wrote my Gifted art critique. THEN, I did test corrections for World History... And then started to make flashcards for the test, all before noon! Yay. ^_^ It feels so good to get stuff done!

2) I went to Sammi's house today! We played tennis with her little sisters (it was so cold and windy, though :( ), then got ice cream at Oberweis. I got mint chocolate chip! While we ate, we played games like I-Spy and Picnic. :D

3) After we got back to Sammi's, we played her new game, Kirby's Epic Yarn. It's really fun! And it's so cute. ^o^ I want to get it now... It's sort of like Super Mario. But I'll just rent it or borrow it from Sammi if I want to play some more. Then like 20 minutes ago, Dad picked me up. I'm glad I got to hang out with her because I feel like I haven't seen her in forever...

Well, that's pretty much all I did today! What will I do now? Well, school's tomorrow- yuck. >.< I'm going to go keep making flashcards for my history test. :P Excited to read your update later tonight! I'm out~