Thursday, March 8, 2012

And we're back!

Took a month break, but now I'm back :D

1) Yesterday was Mole Day in Chemistry. We ate tootsie-moles and doughnut moles. And guess who won second place for their mole? Me- Molio and Moligi! So I got extra credit and the top three from the class go on to the final round against all the other Chem classes! :)

2) Last night was Spring Meet the Team night. I never really like going to those, but it was okay! I'm excited for the Badminton season!

3) I'm eating tangerines right now. They are the smallest ones I've ever seen! But they are really sweet and juicy. ^_^ yummy!

Next post on Saturday- bye for now! (:

Friday, January 27, 2012

Time Traveling!?

Herrow~ I know it's Friday, but today was a good day, so I'll talk about Friday in Thursday's post. ^_^

1) In gym, we are in the swimming unit. But since a lot of the kids (special ed.) were going on a field trip, we just sat in the pool area and watched a movie. I wasn't really paying attention, instead I was finishing my homework for the next block. It was nice to not have to go in the freezing pool!

2) In Band, my friend and I are doing a duet for Solo and Ensemble. So we got to get out of class and go into a practice room to, well, practice. It was fun and we got to work with the flute teacher (sort of a private lesson!)

3) We are reading Huckleberry Finn in English class. I like the book so far- I like the characters and the plot! I also think it's easier to understand than Julius Caesar.

Overall, a pretty good Friday!
I hope your week went well! Talk to you soon!

Wednesday, January 25, 2012

TV, Expos, Finals

Now's Tuesday!

1) Monday I had off because of teacher institute day. I went to Sammi's house. I hadn't seen her since New Years Eve. We just talked and watched Lost and Merlin. Have you seen either of those shows?

2) Tuesday I was back to school. In Gifted, I can no longer avoid it... We are starting to discuss our expo projects *dun dun dun*. He said we need to identify a "nagging question". I still don't know what to do for it. :(

3) I've been getting my finals back. I got A's in both Chemistry and French, but in math..... I got a B. My overall grade in the class is an A-, but I still wish I did better in the final. It was a very low B, too. :\ Sigh... Whatever... I'll get over it.

BONUS! 4) But when I was walking to the late bus, I found a lucky penny. :') That made my day a bit better! haha. ^_^

GOD'S DAY 2012!

Sorry this one's late... :\ But here's Sunday's post!

1) So we left around 11 to go to Chinatown. We knew it was a day before Chinese New Year, but because the ACTUAL day is on a monday, we thought they might have a celebration on Sunday because it's the weekend, people don't have work, etc. But in reality, it was practically EMPTY! But we walked around the shops, got a light lunch (noodles and ramen), and mom and dad bought ginseng tea.

2) Then we got to church at 1. They had service, entertainment, and dinner. We were there until 8!! The reason why it took so long was because after dinner, we were waiting to hear from Korea and there's time difference issues and all that. Though it was a long day, it was a pretty good day (:

3) I saw my friend Honomi at church. I hadn't seen her in a long time (she was in dual language), so it was nice catching up. We want to organize a get together with all the Dooley Bilingual people. Hopefully that happens!

Well, that's all! Next is Tuesday's post!

Saturday, January 21, 2012

WARNING: This is a long one. (:

So today I realized it was Saturday, so that means an H2S update! At first I thought I forgot to do the Thursday post, but then remembered I did that. It felt like so long ago... I think this entire week felt very long because of finals. But now they are over! Yay! :D Let's start this big 3!
1) So on Friday, my last two finals were Math and English. I'm sort of nervous about them.. But hopefully I did okay. So for English, I had to stay after the bell because I wasn't done with the final. I knew I was going to miss my bus, but I was just praying that mom could pick me up. So after I finished, I went to the main office to call (I didn't have mom's cell phone with me). But she didn't answer... I called home and her cell. THEN, I left the office and waited at school for about an hour, periodically calling home, mom's cell, dad's cell, and ben's cell. I didn't have any neighbors' numbers memorized or anything so i couldn't call them. After an hour of waiting (which felt much longer) I was panicking. Plus, since it was the end of finals week AND a friday, there were no after school clubs, the library wasn't open, etc. So it was even more nerve-wracking. Finally, not knowing what to do, I just walked home. And this at the beginning of a VERY bad blizzard (more on that topic in my next point)- so the ice was slippery and it was really cold! And I had on a light jacket :\ When I reached the CRC, I stopped in there to get warm and try calling again- but no answer. Anyways, fast forward-- mom wasn't happy that I walked home :\ She said I should have waited at school longer... I guess I should have, but I really didn't know what to do and it felt like I was waiting much longer than an hour. Well it was quite an adventure, to say the least! I think this is the record for longest story on this site. xD

2) Friday night, I had to go BACK to school for the basketball game. I was surprised it wasn't cancelled- the weather was SO bad and even the main, busy streets weren't plowed. It took about a half hour to get there. And there weren't many people there at band. But it was still a fun game- all my friends were there and the game was super close (But we lost.. Fremd only won by 3 points, tho so it was close). I'm glad I went, even though it was snowy ^_^

3) I deep-cleaned my room today. I decided I should make this point a short one because the other two are long :P

Side Note: What do you call these "1, 2, 3" things? "points"? "events"? "anecdotes"? "stories"? Haha, I never know what to call them!
Well, that's all for now. New update tomorrrrrrow! GoodBye

Friday, January 20, 2012

3 Down, 2 more to go!

Hola friends! Update for.... *drumroll* THURSDAY~!
1) So I took my AP Euro final. I was so so nervous walking into the classroom! But it turned out to not be too bad. :) I hope I at least get a B on it *crosses fingers* Now two more!
2) At night, Dad had his Ping Pong club. I helped mom move stuff around and prepare snacks. Unfortunately, not that many people came... But it's okay, it was only the first meeting. I think more people will show up in the future. The people who did come seemed to have a good time.
3) I read a certain reader's reflection on a certain retreat. It was great! It's really important to reflect after you return from a trip like that. It sounded really inspiring too ^_^

Well that's all for now, folks! See ya Saturday!

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Oh blog, how I've missed you!

So... It's been a while. :P Do I still remember how to do this? .... OF COURSE I DO!! :D

1) Yesterday afternoon I went grocery shopping with mom. We finally got more food! :D Like Krunchers. I'm eating some now (yes I'm so healthy). om nom nom nom... *crunch crunch*

2) When I got home, I studied a bit for my french and chem finals for tomorrow. I'm not too worried about them though. I think those two will be my easiest out of the five. *crosses fingers* wish me luck!

3) We got our PLAN test scores back in English today.. And I'm disappointed by my scores -_- :(
I got a composite score of 27 (out of 32). I know I could have done so much better! I got a 28 in reading, 28 in math, 27 in grammar (i think) and 24 in science. Stupid science, bringing everything down. Sigh... do you remember how you did on the PLAN?

Well, that is all! I'm going to try and go to bed early tonight (and study a bit more for chem!). Good night! See you Wednesday!